Friday, 5 June 2009

This award is for all my friends, especially the ones on the Cricut MB who have enabled me and kept me busy, but most of all for being my friends.

I made this 'blinkie' award today using Photoshop for all my friends, especially the ones on the Cricut MB. I hope they visit my blog to collect this award. The violets in the pot image are from Please leave me a comment when you have collected it.


Measha06 said...

Hi Eileen, I have added the award to my blog. Thanks very much and it is very pretty, my favourite colurs and flowers.

Loopylou. said...

oh eileen, that is just so sweet, i love it thankyou, it is sitting on my blog now xxxxx

Kazzy73 said...

Thank you so much for the blinkie,I have linked it back to your blog.
Karen x x x (Kazzy73)

katesacraftybugger said...

Thanks Eileen , i have just added you to the list of blogs i follow- dont know how i missed you i thought i had already added you !

Scrappymax said...

Thank you so much Eileen, I am really touched. I have added it to my blog and I am really honoured to be your cyber friend.

Unknown said...

How sweet! I'm going to add this right now!!!!
And I'll have cards out to you soon!